Friday, April 20, 2007

Podcast week 17


Wikipedia Founder

Episode 29


It was interesting to hear what the founder of Wikipedia had to say about the online encyclopedia. It was neat to see how it works properly. It was interesting to see what it takes to make a monumental site such as Wikipedia come to life. It also showed just how free it really is and how anyone can just edit it as they see fit. The only peer review is done by volunteers. But it such a neat technology and one that is definitely engrained in our current society.


Ben Saunders

Episode 13


Although this podcast had little to do with education it was interesting to hear about his journey to the North Pole. It is hard to believe that only 4 people have ever made that journey, but it shows just how difficult it really is. It was neat to hear his story and how podcasting made it easily available to everyone to hear. It really does make the world a smaller place and it allows for people to have access to information they normally would not have had access to.


Larry Brilliant

Episode 35


This podcast was about the last Doctor to work with smallpox in nature. It was interesting to hear his account of the disease and how scary it truly is. It almost is mind boggling to think that such a minute entity could hurt so many people. This podcast made me realize that such a variety of information was at my disposal and that through podcasting I really could find information about anything.

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